The Dog Spoon
Don’t judge me by the utensils I use. The first time I met my prospective in-laws I really wanted to make a good impression. Instead, I scandalized them by using the wrong spoon. It wasn’t a breach…
It’s Not Easy Going Green
Kermit the Frog was more right than we knew Throughout my childhood, Kermit the Frog lamented that it’s not easy being green. But while Kermit eventually figured it out (he does have a star on the Hollywood…
Personality Quiz Uncovers the Me I Never Knew
How well do I know myself? Apparently not well enough. When I was a kid, the cool girls shared personality quizzes from Tiger Beat magazine on the school bus. Sadly, my uncool self never scored high…
Cat in a Dog Suit
Some dogs are cats in disguise There are definite differences between big dogs and little dogs. I have big dogs. They act like dogs. My sister has a small dog, Roxie, whom we met for the…
Sea Lions, Salmon and Bears, Oh My!
Another ordinary day in Juneau, Alaska “We just got in a fight with a sea lion.” The message from my daughter falls into the category of “texts I never expected to receive.” It ranks on par with…
Worth the Wait
Good things come to those who wait. The moment we have been waiting for has arrived: our local grocery store is now carrying orange flesh melons. We heard about these mouth-watering little beauties from a client last…