Learning a New Rhythm of Life
It’s Lent. Often during this season I undertake some type of fast, setting aside a habit or a routine from my normal rhythm of life in order to focus more on God. But this year — my first as an empty-nest mom — my rhythm of life is thumping to a different beat. And in this new normal I’m having trouble deciding what to set aside, and what to offer more intentionally to God. Can I admit how odd it feels to be so out of cadence with my previous self? Why should my life’s rhythm change so significantly just…
How to Help Your Kids Find Suitable Spouses
By Kathy“Mommy, I’m going to marry you when I grow up!” My three-year-old son blurted out this declaration one night during his bedtime routine. “Silly boy,” I said. “I’m already married to Daddy.” I went on to explain…
If Parenting Had Do-Overs
By KathyBeing an empty-nest parent is like being a Monday morning quarterback. You find yourself looking back on a game you’ve already played, and analyzing what you could have done differently. Prior to motherhood, I was a reasonably…
If My Nest is Empty, Why is My Basement Still Full?
By KathyWith both our kids married and living in their own homes, my husband and I have officially joined the ranks of “empty nesters.” Can I just say I’m not sold on this label? I understand the reference;…
Five Things That are Smarter Than Me
By KathyI consider myself a reasonably intelligent person. I can balance my checkbook, hard boil an egg, and navigate using real maps. I’m teachable and love to learn new things. I can re-light the pilot on the water…
The Quest for King Crab
By KathyAdventures from summer vacation We landed in Juneau knowing that there were only 32 hours left of king crab season. Fish and Game never gives much notice when and how long the season will be open, and…
The Great Zucchini Debate
By KathySome Families Debate Politics, We Argue Over Vegetables “Look at the size of this one!” Many summer memories on my in-laws’ farm featured Dad emerging triumphant from the garden, holding an enormous zucchini aloft. Mom, on the…